We’re Here To Help

Fraud Alert, Identity Theft and Active Duty Alert

If you believe you have been or are about to become a victim of fraud or related crime, including identity theft, or you are notifying of your Active Duty Status, and you have had ever had a background check performed on you by our company, you may contact us at (855) 940-3232 extension 199.  You will be asked to provide proof of your identity and additional information (or you may be provided a secure link to an online) to complete your request.  Upon completion, we will include a fraud alert in your file until you have contacted us to remove.  We will also provide notice of this alert via mail to the credit reporting agency if one was used to fulfill your background check. But we recommend you also contact those directly as provided in the Additional Resources section below.

In addition to reporting to proper authorities, below are six authorities you should contact for identity theft recovery and to report your identity theft case, depending upon the type of fraud that has been committed:

1. Federal Trade Commission – For any type of identity theft, you should contact the Federal Trade Commission, which manages all identity theft consumer complaints. If your Social Security number has been used to commit identity theft, you can contact the FTC by filling out an online complaint form or by calling the identity theft helpline at 1-877-438-4338.

2. Social Security Administration – You can check if someone has used your Social Security number to seek employment or dodge taxe. Order a copy of your earnings and benefits statement from the Social Security Administration .

3. U.S. Postal Inspector – If you believe that someone has used your mail to commit identity theft or has changed your address, contact the U.S. Postal Inspector.

4. U.S. State Department – If your passport has been lost or stolen, notify the State Department. Contact the Passport Services Department so that it can flag anyone who tries to order a new passport using your name.

5. Department of Motor Vehicles – Contact the Department of Motor Vehicles in your state if your driver’s license has been stolen or if the number has been used to verify checks or open new accounts.

6. U.S. Trustee – If bankruptcy has been filed under your name, write to the U.S. trustee from the region where the bankruptcy was filed. Make sure to include proof of your identity and a thorough description of the situation.

Click here to view your Summary of Rights for Identity Theft Victims:

Additional resources

To limit the damage caused by identity theft, you should also notify the three nationwide credit reporting agencies through their fraud divisions:

Equifax fraud division  P.O. Box 740250 Atlanta, GA 30374  800-525-6285
Experian fraud division  P.O. Box 1017 Allen, TX 75013  888-397-3742
Trans Union fraud division  P.O. Box 6790 Fullerton, CA 92834  800-680-7289

Fraud Alert, Identity Theft & Active Duty Form

    For alternative choices or specific questions, please use our Live Chat and/or refer to the FAQ section for commonly asked questions.
  • Month and Day (mm/dd) – Do not provide year.
  • Information you'd like us to know
  • Disclosure


    Your Use:

    You certify that you are either (i) requesting an initial fraud alert or active duty alert for your own credit file or (ii) acting on behalf of or as a personal representative of a consumer (collectively, Personal Representative) to request an initial fraud alert or active duty alert on such consumer's credit file.

    You certify that the information you provide to us is accurate and complete. You agree to follow all laws and regulations applicable to your use of this web site.

    You certify that you are willing to receive email notification when the initial fraud alert or active duty alert has been placed by Pre-emloy.  If you do not receive an email notification you may contact:


    • PO Box 491570
    • Redding, California 96049

    Reason for Your Request:

    If you request an initial fraud alert be placed by Pre-emloy, then you are also making the corresponding certification:

    You certify that you have a good faith suspicion that you have been or are about to become a victim of fraud or related crime, including identity theft; or

    If you are a Personal Representative

    You certify that you have the express written authority to act on the consumer's behalf to place an initial fraud alert on his or her credit file and such consumer has a good faith suspicion that he or she has been or is about to become a victim of fraud or related crime, including identity theft.

    If you request an active duty alert be placed by Pre-emloy, then you are also making the corresponding certification:

    You certify that you are an active duty military consumer; or

    If you are a Personal Representative

    You certify that you have the express written authority to act on the consumer's behalf to place an active duty military alert on his or her credit file and such consumer is an active duty military consumer.

    This web site is provided "as is," with no warranties of any kind.